Wednesday, November 03, 2010


Okay College Station, you just elected Jana McMillan over John Nichols. Really!?! I know that many of my local friends find this disturbing and scary. The question that I have this morning is what are we (you) willing to do about it going forward. We currently have three council members who seek allow our city government to atrophy . Parks, bikeways, sidewalks, neighborhood integrity all at risk. In May three council seats will be decided. John Crompton and Dennis Maloney will not be running. If we do not do a better job of informing and mobilizing citizens who care about quality of life in our community it will only get worse. There is a great deal that can be done. Are you willing to help? What are your ideas?

1 comment:

Jess Fields said...


I have offered in the past to have coffee with you and discuss our different (and similar) views and have not had a response from you. I would now make that offer again.

The attempts to portray me as someone who doesn't care about neighborhoods and (in past posts) is somehow beholden to the wishes of developers are not only untrue, but really quite ridiculous. Perhaps you aren't talking about me when you make these statements about "recent elections" but I get the feeling you are.

My phone number is 571.6724, or if you wish, 571.5082. My e-mail address is Let's set up a meeting; truly, it would be my pleasure and a good time.

God Bless,

Jess Fields