Friday, April 18, 2008

GREAT Question #4

Recently the paper printed the most recent campaign finance reports. What are roles of campaign donations in your campaign? What influence is resent due to contributions? Essentially, what are donors getting for the money?

Note: Campaign Finance Reports can be seen at


Anonymous said...

I think that the recent letter to the editor did a good job of stating how the campaign contributions are illustrative of the candidates' perspectives. We do seem to have a slate of developer leaning candidates and a slate of resident leaning candidates.

Both camps are earnest in their beliefs that they are doing what is best for the community. Once elected we can hope that the individual elected will listen and honestly vote his conscience.

The problem is that the people supporting the development candidates stand to personally profit from decisions made; whereas, those supporting the other camp do not personally gain by having their candidate in office. I think that the campaign contributions from the developers do indeed have an undue influence on the process. The fact that more money can translate into more votes raises the bar making it more difficult for candidates without influence from profits to enter the race with a hope of winning.

Anonymous said...

Who thinks that Randy French passed out $6,000.00 in the first campaign reporting period because he thinks that this is what is best for the community? He knows that his investment will be repaid many times over because his bought and paid for seats on City Council will make sure that College Station tax payers are subsidizing his developments. This is a business investment for him. Our city seems to be for sell.

Anonymous said...

I think Randy French donated $6,000 to candidates that he thought would support his agenda and would lead to greater profits for him. Those candidates held the political leanings they have before Randy donated to their campaigns.

He supports them because he agrees with them. That is the same relationship that exists between you and the candidate you support except that Randy has more money and is willing to use it to advance his agenda.