Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Anonymous said...
OMG, What a slime ball. I would not expect such such small town xenophobia even in College Station. If I had thoughts of not bothering to vote, those thoughts are gone.
8:52 AM
- Hugh said...
Blogger christian said...
"I look forward to a positive, forward looking campaign and the opportunity to engage in community dialogue..." Umm. Mr Dictson, I see no correlation between your website claims and the opportunity you have squandered to engage in community dialogue via this blog. Your schoolboy attempt to divert attention away from the issue towards things that Mr Stearns wrote 7 years ago not only demeans the debate but also displays the low regard that you must have for the critical thinking of today's A&M students. So here is another chance to show that you are more than just a smear campaigner - given the ongoing national housing crisis, why do you still advocate market forces over regulation as the way to shape our city's growth? -
11:08 AM
Anonymous said...
It seems that Stearns is a communist. Do you suppose that there are others? Maybe we should hold hearings and ask people, "Do you now or have you ever known Hugh Stearns?"
12:10 PM
Anonymous said...
Thanks for sharing this article. when is Hugh going to run for office. I live in Bryan but I just might move to vote for him. This community needs a few more people willing to question the status quo. I don't know this Dickson guy but I sure hope he does not win.
1:49 PM
- Hugh said...
While it is tempting to correct your wide flung accusations, it would be a mistake to encourage this level of discourse. I am honored that you have given me such attention on your campaign web site, but I am not your opponent. I encourage you to address your opponent and his very positive message and ambitious agenda. That is what the voters are interested in.
Hugh Stearns -
7:05 AM
It is difficult to take your question seriously given what you have written about the low regard…disdain actually…that you have for Texas A&M as an institution and its students, traditions and values. I would encourage all readers of your blog to take a look at your writings (click on the following link) and judge for themselves if they should continue to take your questions and comments seriously. It will also be interesting to learn whether the candidates that you are supporting and who have accepted your donations and endorsements from the various groups that you lead whether they support and share your outlook on our university and community in general.
Derek Dictson
Candidate for City Council, Place 1
11:54 PM